Volunteer Benefits*
• Commemorative t-shirt
• Complimentary camping and event access
• Identification badge keepsake
• Meal or meal voucher(s)
• Event training
• Welcome barbecue and appreciation party invitation
• Prize giveaways
• And much more!
*certain conditions apply
Volunteer Expectations
• I understand that I will be assigned shifts as required if selected to be a volunteer at the Pigeon Lake Music Festival.
• I understand that indicated preferences will be taken into account when possible; however, there is no guarantee which shifts will be assigned.
• I understand that at least 2 pre/post Festival shifts must be worked to receive a daily Festival access pass of choice and that Festival weekend shifts must be worked in order to receive respective daily Festival access passes.
• I understand that a Festival weekend commitment, Friday through Sunday, is needed to receive complimentary camping.
• I understand that at least 3 shifts must be worked to receive an appreciation party invite.
• I understand that additional information may be required before shift assignment.
• I agree that all provided personal information is accurate and all questions have been answered truthfully.
• I agree to make myself available for shifts as required and fulfill the obligations of being a volunteer at the Pigeon Lake Music Festival.
• I agree that all information about our company and event will remain totally confidential, not to be shared with attendees, vendors, competitors or the like.
• I agree to comply with and honor the Code of Conduct of the Pigeon Lake Music Festival as stated below.
Code of Conduct for Volunteers
• All volunteers shall make every effort to respectfully represent the Festival and shall not do anything to intentionally damage the Festival’s reputation.
• There shall be no use/consumption of alcohol or cannabis and cannabis related products by any volunteer who is on duty on the Festival site. Shifts will be reassigned for any volunteer seemingly under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, or cannabis related products and site access may be revoked at the discretion of the Volunteer Coordinator. Off-duty volunteers must not wear Festival t-shirts while attending the Festival or consuming alcoholic beverages, cannabis, or cannabis related products anywhere on the site.
• There shall be no use/consumption of illegal substances by any volunteer on or off the Festival site. Abuse of this will result in immediate dismissal of the volunteer(s) from the Festival.
• All volunteers shall treat other volunteers, performers, staff, and the public with respect. If a problem arises, resolution should be deferred to the Volunteer Coordinator.
• Volunteers shall make every effort to fulfill committee responsibilities. Failure to contribute minimum time requirements or failure to fulfill shift commitments without a satisfactory reason (which may require documentation) may result in dismissal from the Festival.
• No volunteer shall use for their own advantage any property or monies belonging to the Festival. All volunteers must be honest and trustworthy.
• Commemorative t-shirt
• Complimentary camping and event access
• Identification badge keepsake
• Meal or meal voucher(s)
• Event training
• Welcome barbecue and appreciation party invitation
• Prize giveaways
• And much more!
*certain conditions apply
Volunteer Expectations
• I understand that I will be assigned shifts as required if selected to be a volunteer at the Pigeon Lake Music Festival.
• I understand that indicated preferences will be taken into account when possible; however, there is no guarantee which shifts will be assigned.
• I understand that at least 2 pre/post Festival shifts must be worked to receive a daily Festival access pass of choice and that Festival weekend shifts must be worked in order to receive respective daily Festival access passes.
• I understand that a Festival weekend commitment, Friday through Sunday, is needed to receive complimentary camping.
• I understand that at least 3 shifts must be worked to receive an appreciation party invite.
• I understand that additional information may be required before shift assignment.
• I agree that all provided personal information is accurate and all questions have been answered truthfully.
• I agree to make myself available for shifts as required and fulfill the obligations of being a volunteer at the Pigeon Lake Music Festival.
• I agree that all information about our company and event will remain totally confidential, not to be shared with attendees, vendors, competitors or the like.
• I agree to comply with and honor the Code of Conduct of the Pigeon Lake Music Festival as stated below.
Code of Conduct for Volunteers
• All volunteers shall make every effort to respectfully represent the Festival and shall not do anything to intentionally damage the Festival’s reputation.
• There shall be no use/consumption of alcohol or cannabis and cannabis related products by any volunteer who is on duty on the Festival site. Shifts will be reassigned for any volunteer seemingly under the influence of alcohol, cannabis, or cannabis related products and site access may be revoked at the discretion of the Volunteer Coordinator. Off-duty volunteers must not wear Festival t-shirts while attending the Festival or consuming alcoholic beverages, cannabis, or cannabis related products anywhere on the site.
• There shall be no use/consumption of illegal substances by any volunteer on or off the Festival site. Abuse of this will result in immediate dismissal of the volunteer(s) from the Festival.
• All volunteers shall treat other volunteers, performers, staff, and the public with respect. If a problem arises, resolution should be deferred to the Volunteer Coordinator.
• Volunteers shall make every effort to fulfill committee responsibilities. Failure to contribute minimum time requirements or failure to fulfill shift commitments without a satisfactory reason (which may require documentation) may result in dismissal from the Festival.
• No volunteer shall use for their own advantage any property or monies belonging to the Festival. All volunteers must be honest and trustworthy.